
Modern Cold Calling Tip 8 Odile Faludi

Modern Cold Calling Tip 8 Odile Faludi

Modern Cold Calling Tip 8

Each week I hope you have been joining me for my tips on this subject and we are now up to Modern Cold Calling Tip 8 already.

You can build a business alone on cold calling.

There’s a lot of myth around that you can build a business alone on cold calling.

I would have to say that is absolutely false. Cold calling is part of your sales repertoire and it’s not cold calling anymore.

Modern Cold calling tips

Modern cold calling tips and techniques are starting a customer conversation, it’s picking up the phone. But as well as picking up the phone you need to have a brilliant website, you need a great LinkedIn profile, a company page, a robust marketing/sales team.

As well as using modern cold calling tips you need a repertoire of tools you need to understand all the social media platforms and together with picking up the phone each day calling 20-30 qualified targeted leads, you should have your prospecting well covered.

If you would like more of my modern cold calling tips:

Then please feel free to subscribe on SalesDriveSmartSales YouTube.

See you soon!

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