
Six months ago I hated making cold calls. I never got any positive responses. A miserable number of leads despite hundreds of calls, and to be honest, I felt pretty miserable doing that work and it showed in my calls! After seeing Odile, the transformation started almost overnight!

Within a month of practicing everything she has taught me, she has changed not only how I make calls, but now I think about those conversations before, during, and after!

My "hit-rate" or lead generation has gone from a measly 10-20% success rate (on a very good day) to 90-95% (on an AVERAGE day!)

I can't wait to get along to her next session, and highly recommend anybody in any job, whether you make cold calls, hold face-to-face meetings, or even only use email, to get along to one of her sessions.

You will pick up a minimum of 10 new tips, tricks, and strategies to implement right away. It was a transformation.

Ben Clarence, Business Development Officer, Ray White Corporate South Australia