
Finding the right Customer!

Finding the right Customer!

Ingredient 1 – Finding the right customer - take time to think!

Firstly, finding the right customer requires in-depth thinking. Thinking is the most under-utilised human resource. We simply don’t have time to think in this frenetic, crazy world we live in. Can you imagine how much more productive we would be if we actually took the time to think?

Secondly, take a walk in the fresh air, the footpath is a great listener. Often some really good ideas will start to emerge. It’s always in those quiet moments when a unique idea just stands out from the crowd. It becomes an AHA moment and viola a potential customer comes to mind.

Thirdly, research every aspect of your potential customer’s business that is available to you. I suggest via Google, LinkedIn, Press Releases, Company Website, mutual business connections and media outlets. It is so clichéd but the more knowledge you have on your prospect the better you will manage that initial conversation.

Keep Moving!

Fourthly, one of the best ways to analyse the effectiveness of something is reflecting on what has already been done to date. Really think about what’s working and what’s not working. Sometimes small changes can make a big difference in your business. One thing you can be certain of is uncertainty. Being adaptable is desired as change is constant.

Fifthly, reflection is critical. Take the time to chew… don’t be in such a rush to swallow! It is so important to “sit and reflect” and assess what benefits were accrued from the doing and what can you continue to use to continue to improve.  We all make the mistake of moving to the next task quickly in a pursuit to keep things moving without conversation and with little thinking about the past activity. Therefore, we never reap the benefits of “reflection”. It is, in fact, an under-used performance enhancement tool.

Do the following exercise!

Sixly, do the following exercise. Think and write down specifics about who has been your best customer to date? Profile their company. Write down facts like their sector, size, and style of management, turnover, culture, leadership hierarchy and values. Analyse why you enjoyed the experience of working with them so much. Quantify how much the key account was worth in dollar figures to your business. Then find other companies that are exactly the same in the description or close enough. From past experience, you will know these businesses are a good fit for you.

Sevenly, the beauty of this above exercise is you are going after your sweet spot. Knowing you like doing business with this type of organisation and vice versa. You have plenty of case studies to draw on when speaking and this makes you credible. Also, you know that there were substantial rewards. All this adds up to good business sense.

In Conclusion

Finally, with your advisor hat on you can act as an authoritarian in your field and you can command your prospect’s respect and trust very quickly. You are the heart surgeon of sales rather than just the General Practitioner which sits on every corner and bulk bills. Let’s remember, anything more than a common cold the General Practitioner refers you to someone else. In your case being the specialist, you are in a position to command a higher fee and it’s almost expected!

In an article called the Nine Principles of Leadership, it is said that we all influence at least 250 people in our lifetime. We each have the responsibility of leadership. Whether you know it or not, whether you believe it or not, you’re a leader–an influencer. Your opinions are listened to and acted upon.

Recommended Reading: High-Performance Habits - How Extraordinary People Become that Way by Brendon Burchard. A must for everyone in any role!


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Dear Odile,

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for what I can only describe as an extraordinary day on Friday.

The team from the Alternative Board (TAB), to a person, was just mesmerised by you and the magical way you showed us how to reach out to people we don't know and ask them for an appointment.

As you well know, and despite all of the breathtaking taking technology available to us today to contact people, sooner or later, you still need to pick up the 'phone and ask for an appointment.

I have yet to meet anybody that genuinely enjoys "cold calling" yet armed with the techniques you shared with us on Friday, it can, in fact, be a pleasant and productive experience.

What resonated with me the most was the manner in which you taught us to be authentic and genuine when we make those calls. Executed the way you taught us, you avoid conveying the impression of being phoney and lacking in integrity.

In the coming weeks, I will be sharing Friday's experience with my board member colleagues, particularly those engaged in "business to consumer" enterprises, and encouraging them to consider a workshop so they too can enjoy the benefits of your presentation.

Warmest regards,

John Sweeney
Principal Ryde - Parramatta Region
The Alternative Board Australia

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