
Job Seeking Tips and Techniques

Job Seeking Tips and Techniques

Job Seeking Tips and Techniques - Starts with the way you feel about yourself.

I am sure you may have heard this famous story, however, I think at this time, it’s very important to repeat it!

One day in 1671, Christopher Wren observed three bricklayers on a scaffold, one crouched, one half-standing and one standing tall, working very hard and fast.

The first bricklayer

Christopher Wren asked the question, “What are you doing?” to which the bricklayer replied, “I’m a bricklayer. I’m working hard laying bricks to feed my family.”

The second bricklayer

Responded, “I’m a builder. I’m building a wall.”

The third bricklayer

Therefore, the most productive of the three and the future leader of the group, when asked the question, “What are you doing?” replied with a gleam in his eye, “I’m a cathedral builder. I’m building a great cathedral to The Almighty.”

You will find many variations of this story, but each version tells of three people working on the same wall, doing the same work, but with totally different perspectives. From this story, many analogies and applications can be drawn. Some of these include the importance of:

Big Picture Thinking

Being able to see the end result and how your work contributes to that end.


A positive attitude and pride in what you are doing will show up in your work and your motivation.

Connection to the Organization’s Mission 

Employees who are rightly connected to the organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals are happier, more engaged, and more productive employees.

While these applications are true and insightful, I find this story has another potential application.

In Conclusion

I reckon you can wager every cent you have the bricklayer who visualized himself as building a great cathedral did not remain a bricklayer. Perhaps he became a foreman, or perhaps a contractor, or possibly an architect. He moved forward and upward. Why, because thinking does make it so!

Job thinking tells a lot about a person and his or her potential for larger responsibility. It channels the way for self- development in his or her work.



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Job Seeking Tips and Techniques needs you to take steps to improve your skill set. This starts with undergoing self development. This online program in Kickstarting Client Conversations can help you secure that great job!

Module 1

Introduction – Building human capability for an ever-changing business landscape through effective conversations.

  1. Have you the self- confidence to pick up the phone and start a conversation?
  2. Do you know what to say?
  3. How do you ask for an appointment?

Module 2

What are your major challenges when starting a conversation with a business prospect? Let’s discuss them together!

Module 3

Let’s work together in smart ways to best address the challenges you have listed. It’s about getting more out of your leads today and tomorrow!

Module 4

Time Management – maximising your calendar activity to reach your desired cash flow level. Your cash flow follows your calendar.

Module 5

Facing Rejection – the Yuck Factor.

How to build resilience as a business owner and a professional in your field.

Developing strategies and techniques to overcome disappointments!

Remember, No is the start of the conversation!

Module 6

Always be Giving before you Ask for anything in return!

Let’s list all the things you can give.

Become a differentiator in the market place by Giving before Taking!

Keep your competitors at bay with these innovative ideas.

Module 7

What are the top personality traits to be a great communicator?

Let’s do a deep dive and explore how to switch on your personality in conversation.

Likeability is a big part of winning new business.

It’s a building block in building solid relationships.

Module 8

Re-engaging with your database.

Why your database is just like a pasture of cows – it needs constant milking to really be worth anything of value!

Module 9

Are Gatekeepers your allies or your foes?

Do you really understand the dilemma of the gatekeeper?

Learn strategies and techniques for overcoming his or her objections to letting you through!

Module 10

The importance of implication questions.  What are the types of questions you need to ask to create Desire, Want and Need!

Module 11

Draft your Script – Then toss it!

The roadmap to a great conversation

Planning the conversation is the key to your success

Module 12

Finally, Let’s Bring it all Together

Certificate issued Upon Completion


If you are someone who takes ACTION NOW you will get these AMAZING BONUSES. Check out www.courses.odilefaludi.com.au

Watch David Rayward Praising Odile Faludi's Program click HERE

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