
The Cookbook of Starting Sales Conversations

The Cookbook of Starting Sales Conversations

Starting Sales Conversations is so much fun when you know-how. It's a great topic to write about. I had often looked at blogs and wondered what one needs to write one. I now know the answer to this question.

You need an unwavering desire to tell your story. Once the pen hit the paper there was no turning back. Words appeared out of nowhere so quickly and with such conviction. I was overflowing with the knowledge to share and it felt so good to unleash all this information. My only wish is that it gets put to good use.

The Merriam-Weber Dictionary defines intelligence as the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations. Or the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one’s environment. Or simply put the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and/or skills.

So let’s get started

How will we build your knowledge tank and give you more skills? If you could find an effective way through conversation to get your prospects to get what you say and want what you are offering, wouldn’t life be like one great big chocolate cake? It’s otherwise known as the “sweet spot.” Working in a place which is absolutely optimal and brings the best results.

In my opinion, Starting Sales Conversations is like making a cake. If you put in all the right ingredients and bake the cake at just the right temperature the cake will rise and be delicious to eat. The process can be easily reproduced and a great result can be achieved every time.

You can’t build a business to be a sales machine unless your salespeople have these essential ingredients when speaking to prospects.

All these ingredients otherwise known as skills can be learnt but they require focus, discipline and relentless practice for salespeople to get their piece of the cake. Once they achieve this they will have their repeatable recipe for success.

Mindset will determine your success

Ingredient 1 – Mindset

Think and feel like an elite athlete you train in the rain. No excuses you get into the flow each day and make 30-40 quality calls. Flow is the state of focusing your energy and attention on only one thing, without distractions. The term was unearthed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. This is the state of human attention at its most productive.

Quality will always trump quantity. Once in “flow”, you will avoid multi-tasking. You will develop the skill in mono-tasking. Doing one thing without anything else to distract you will reap the highest return on your time. When you call someone you don’t Google, reply to emails, read or think about anything else just simply focus on the task of making those calls and mindfully listening. You will hear things you haven’t heard before.

Perfecting Starting Sales Conversations will guarantee the progress of the call and finishing with a positive call to action.

For example, a meeting, a next call or an email to be sent. Each conversation starts with a beginning, middle and a conclusion. Each call will have a purpose and a strategy. Really good openers will tell you they never really need to “close”. They take the listener on a journey and the natural progression is, “what comes next?” The request for a meeting is a consequence of engaging the listener and something welcomed.

Ingredient 2 – Focus

Starting Sales Conversations starts with having your head in the right place. Mindset requires focus. The word Focus is an acronym and stands for “Follow One Course Until Successful.” It has been proven time and time again that mono-tasking is always better than multi-tasking.

Ingredient 3 – Create a Ritual

Each day have a “Power Hour” or otherwise known as a “HOP” – Hour of Power. During that time you will focus solely on one task. In this case, it is calling prospects and qualified leads. A power hour will always result in more money now and in the future. You never squander this time doing administration or work that will not result in cash!

Most people will find a spot in their calendar, the same time each day that they feel the most energised starting sales conversations. Ten qualified leads per hour, aim to really have a conversation with each person. If you can’t say it in a few minutes the reason for your call, you don’t understand your offering well enough. If you don’t understand your offering, neither will your customer.

Ingredient 4 – Discipline

Once inflow, you will often find you can manage two power hours per day. You won’t want to stop calling. The dialogue flows easily and the pleasure in doing the job elevates your desire to learn more about this newfound skill. You will want to stretch your wings and call more challenging prospects.

Suddenly, you are able to block out all distractions. You will turn off your email notifications and the temptation to multi-task will no longer hinder your performance. You are committed to the task and you are relentless in your pursuit to achieve your goal.

Discipline is the difference between a professional and an amateur in the field of sales. The professionals never take their eye off the prize. It is recommended for most people in sales to do two hours of prospecting per day! Yes, I do mean, every day. Especially in the first three years of business.

Recommended Reading: High-Performance Habits - How Extraordinary People Become That Way by Brendon Burchard. A must for everyone in any role!




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Dear Odile,

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for what I can only describe as an extraordinary day on Friday.

The team from the Alternative Board (TAB), to a person, was just mesmerized by you and the magical way you showed us how to reach out to people we don't know and ask them for an appointment.

As you well know, and despite all of the breathtaking taking technology available to us today to contact people, sooner or later, you still need to pick up the 'phone and ask for an appointment.

I have yet to meet anybody that genuinely enjoys "cold calling" yet armed with the techniques you shared with us on Friday, it can, in fact, be a pleasant and productive experience.

What resonated with me the most was the manner in which you taught us to be authentic and genuine when we make those calls. Executed the way you taught us, you avoid conveying the impression of being phoney and lacking in integrity.

In the coming weeks, I will be sharing Friday's experience with my board member colleagues, particularly those engaged in "business to consumer" enterprises, and encouraging them to consider a workshop so they too can enjoy the benefits of your presentation.

Warmest regards,


Starting Sales Conversations
John Sweeney
Principal Ryde - Parramatta Region
The Alternative Board Australia
Suite 14, 8 Avenue of The Americas, Newington NSW 2127
Phone: 61 2 89372763
Mobile: 0418 233 695
View more testimonials here

Odile Faludi
Starting Customer Conversations Specialist, Turns Walls into Open Doors.

Phone: +61425250677
Email: odile@odilefaludi.com.au
LinkedIn https://au.linkedin.com/in/odilefaludi
Website: www.odilefaludi.com.au

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